This needs a symposium for certain! The subjects discussed needs a deep dive so individuals can question themselves to see the reality of this ting called life! Independence is a great intoxicant that we chase yet we end up being drunk for the wrong reasons. Freedom has to be put in proper perspective as Natalie does here so eloquently. The Geese story was amazing for my awareness as I am not bird person but it makes sense because survival is a universal thing. many thanks for sharing that. Will hold onto this and revisit. Cheers

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Thank you, A.K.! A symposium sounds great! Independence is indeed a great intoxicant and we end up drunk. It's the same with other things as well- something can be healing or poisoning depending on the quantity and way of application. As for the geese, and the trees, and everything else, scientists are finding our that there is much more to their interdependence and communication than survival. They are part of the web of life in ways we are still learning about. It's pretty fascinating though!

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I hope to see it from you in the future!! It would be compelling

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Great! A thought about the seven questions at the end. They'd be powerful asked of individuals in a group setting where perspectives / answers are shared, maybe in groups of two or three, then reflected on together after.

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Great idea. Yes, that could be great! 👍

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